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Using the Entity Component System (ECS)

The Entity Component System (ECS) is a core architectural pattern used in this project. It provides a flexible and efficient way to structure game objects and their behaviors.

Creating Entities

Entities are created using the Registry class. Here's how you can create a new entity:

core::ecs::Entity entity = registry.spawn_entity();

Adding Components

Components are added to entities using the add_component method of the Registry class. For example, to add a TransformComponent to an entity:

registry.add_component(entity, core::ge::TransformComponent{position, size, scale, rotation});

You can see an example of this in the EntityFactory::createPlayer method:

core::ecs::Entity EntityFactory::createPlayer(core::ecs::Registry& registry, const sf::Vector2f& position, int color, Game &game, sf::Vector2f gameScale)
core::ecs::Entity player = registry.spawn_entity();

registry.add_component(player, core::ge::TransformComponent{position, sf::Vector2f(33.0f, 17.0f), gameScale, 0.0f});
registry.add_component(player, VelocityComponent{10.0f, 10.0f});

return player;

Creating Systems

Systems are created by adding them to the registry using the add_system method. Systems operate on entities with specific components. For example, the input system:

void Game::inputSystem(core::ecs::Registry& registry)
registry.add_system<core::ge::TransformComponent, VelocityComponent, InputStateComponent, ShootCounterComponent>
([&](core::ecs::Entity, core::ge::TransformComponent &transform, const VelocityComponent &vel, InputStateComponent &input, ShootCounterComponent &shootCounter) {
if (input.up)
transform.position.y -= vel.dy;
if (input.down)
transform.position.y += vel.dy;
if (input.left)
transform.position.x -= vel.dx;
if (input.right)
transform.position.x += vel.dx;

This system operates on entities that have TransformComponent, VelocityComponent, InputStateComponent, and ShootCounterComponent.

Using the Game Engine

The Game Engine provides a high-level interface for managing game objects, rendering, and game logic.

Initializing the Game Engine

The Game Engine is initialized in the Game class constructor:

Running the Game Loop

The game loop is implemented in the run method of the Game class:

void Game::run() {
while (_windowOpen) {
sf::Time elapsed = _gameEngine.clock.restart();
_gameEngine.delta_t = elapsed.asSeconds();


This loop continuously processes events, updates the game state, and renders the scene.

Adding Game Objects

Game objects (entities with components) are typically added using factory methods. For example, the EntityFactory::createPlayer method:

core::ecs::Entity EntityFactory::createPlayer(core::ecs::Registry& registry, const sf::Vector2f& position, int color, Game &game, sf::Vector2f gameScale)
core::ecs::Entity player = registry.spawn_entity();

registry.add_component(player, core::ge::TransformComponent{position, sf::Vector2f(33.0f, 17.0f), gameScale, 0.0f});
registry.add_component(player, core::ge::CollisionComponent{PLAYER, {sf::FloatRect(0.0f, 0.0f, 33.0f, 17.0f)}, {
{ ENEMY, [&](const core::ecs::Entity self, [[maybe_unused]] const core::ecs::Entity other) {
registry.add_component(player, VelocityComponent{10.0f, 10.0f});
registry.add_component(player, InputStateComponent{});
registry.add_component(player, core::ge::KeyBinding{});
registry.add_component(player, HealthComponent{10});
registry.add_component(player, ScoreComponent{0});
registry.add_component(player, Player{});
registry.add_component(player, ShootCounterComponent{0});
registry.add_component(player, PlayerColorComponent{color});

std::string relativePath = "assets/player_sprite.png";
std::string absolutePath = std::filesystem::absolute(relativePath).string();
auto texture = std::make_shared<sf::Texture>();

if (!texture->loadFromFile(absolutePath)) {
std::cerr << "Failed to load texture: " << absolutePath << std::endl;
return player;

sf::RectangleShape playerShape(sf::Vector2f(33.0f, 17.0f));

int row = color * 17;
playerShape.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(0, row, 33, 17));

registry.add_component(player, core::ge::DrawableComponent{playerShape});
registry.add_component(player, core::ge::SceneComponent{static_cast<int>(Game::GameState::Playing)});
registry.add_component(player, core::ge::TextureComponent{texture});

std::vector<sf::IntRect> moveFrames;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
moveFrames.emplace_back(i * 33, row, 33, 17);
registry.add_component(player, core::ge::AnimationComponent{
.animations = {
{core::ge::AnimationState::Moving, moveFrames}
.frameTime = 0.1f,
.elapsedTime = 0.0f,
.currentFrame = 0,
.loop = true

return player;

Algorithmic Choices and Justifications

Sparse Array for Component Storage

We chose to use a Sparse Array data structure for storing components. This decision was made for several reasons:

  1. Memory Efficiency: Sparse arrays allow us to efficiently store components for entities with non-contiguous IDs.
  2. Fast Access: Accessing components by entity ID is an O(1) operation.
  3. Flexibility: It's easy to add or remove components dynamically.

Event Pool for Event Management

We implemented an Event Pool system for managing game events. This choice was made for the following reasons:

  1. Decoupling: It allows us to decouple event generation from event handling.
  2. Efficient Processing: Events can be processed in batches, which is more efficient than processing them immediately as they occur.
  3. Thread Safety: The event pool can be made thread-safe, allowing for concurrent event generation and processing.

Getting Started

The EventPool is designed to be used as a "singleton." This means that there is only one EventPool in the game, and everyone uses the same one. To get this instance, you use the getInstance function:

// Get access to the EventPool
EventPool& eventPool = EventPool::getInstance();

Now, you have access to the EventPool and can start adding or retrieving events.

Adding an Event

To add a new event to the EventPool, you use the addEvent function. Let’s say a player has moved in the game:

// Create a PlayerMovement event
PlayerMovement movement = {1, 100.0f, 200.0f, 0.0f}; // Player ID 1 moves to (100, 200, 0)
Event movementEvent(0x01, movement); // 0x01 is the event type for PlayerMovement

// Add this event to the pool

This will put the movement event in the queue, ready to be processed later.

Getting the Next Event

Once you have added events to the EventPool, you might want to retrieve the next one to see what needs to be handled:

// Get the next event in the queue
Event nextEvent = eventPool.getNextEvent();

This will give you the next event from the queue and remove it, so you can handle it in your game.

Getting All Events at Once

If you want to process all the events that have been stored in the EventPool, you can get all of them at once:

// Retrieve and process all events
// Handle player movement
} else if (e.getType() == 0x05) {
// Handle player shoot
// Add more cases for other types of events...


The EventPool makes it easy to keep track of all the actions happening in the game. You can add new events when things happen (like a player moving or an enemy appearing), and then process them later when you’re ready. It’s like a to-do list for game events!

Custom Network Protocol (GDTP)

We developed a custom network protocol, Game Datagram Transfer Protocol (GDTP), for efficient game state synchronization. The reasons for this choice include:

  1. Low Latency: By using UDP and a lightweight protocol, we minimize network latency.
  2. Bandwidth Efficiency: The binary protocol reduces the amount of data that needs to be transferred.
  3. Flexibility: The custom protocol allows us to easily add new message types as needed.

You can refer to the [protocol documentation](../../../Network/Game Datagram Transfer Protocol (GDTP)).